

Process solutions for the filter industry


Technology solutions for the filtration industry

Thanks to our long-standing experience in dispensing technology and plasma pretreatment, we offer our customers in the filter industry ideally tailored dispensing systems and plasma equipment for complex requirements.

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Plasma treatment with our plasma systems optimally prepares the surface for bonding. This is followed by the dispensing application of the adhesive with our dispensing systems on the filter. This way, two birds can be killed with one stone: the surface is optimally prepared by the plasma pretreatment and the adhesive is precisely applied with the dispensing application of the adhesive. This not only achieves maximum adhesion, but also has a significant impact on the efficiency and reliability of filtration systems.

bdtronic offers process solutions from plasma pretreatment to dispensing of adhesives in the filter industry. Our plasma systems and dispensing systems are tailored exactly to the customer's requirements. With our process expertise, we accompany our customers in the overall process to find the right dosing application and plasma pretreatment together.

Optimum process results with plasma pretreatment and dispensing technology

Filters are used wherever solids from gas or liquids have to be retained. Various filters can be found in motor vehicles such as oil, fuel and air filters and in medical technology such as dialyzers. A wide variety of filters are also used in industry and trade, such as air and water filters and many more. We encounter filters almost everywhere in everyday life.


Bonding filter end caps

Many filters have so-called end caps. These must be bonded to the filter. We offer this adhesive application and other dispensing applications, such as potting, with our dispensing machines. Our dispensing machines dispense adhesives precisely, in the right quantity and with repetitive accuracy.


Plasma pretreatment prior to adhesive application

Plasma pretreatment for surface activation prior to a dispensing application of 1C and 2C epoxy adhesives and polyurethanes is required to achieve the best possible adhesion properties in filters.

For this purpose, bdtronc offers everything from one source: plasma activation with plasma systems and dispensing applications with dispensing systems or both process technologies in only one machine.

Sealing Cell Module Controllers Using the CIPG Process

Battery sensors play a crucial role in controlling and managing the performance and safety of electric vehicle batteries. They monitor parameters such as temperature, voltage, and current, and report this information to the battery management system (BMS), which controls and monitors the battery's charging and discharging processes.

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New B8650 impregnation machine for sustainable impregnation of electrical motors

The release of the B8650 impregnation machine enhances the electrical component manufacturing, specifically targeting the impregnation of windings in rotors, stators, and coils used in electric motors. This new machine is designed for small to medium production volumes and offers superior insulation, improved performance, and extended operating life for these critical components.

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bdtronic announces management change

bdtronic announces significant changes to its management team. As of January 1, 2024, Andreas Olkus, a technology expert with over 25 years of experience in the company, will take over the position of additional Managing Director. Together with Ömer Öztürk, who has been Managing Director since 2022, he now forms a dual leadership team. 

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Date: 7.10.2024. 7:00:00 AM
Novi, Michigan, USA

The Battery Show North America 2024

At the Battery Show North America from October 7 - 10, 2024, bdtronic will show the latest developments for battery production in the field of battery production at booth #2908.
Date: 16.10.2024. 7:00:00 AM
Lyon Convention Center, France
Expo & Conference

Batteries Event 2024

We look forward to welcoming you at the Batteries Event, October 16-18, 2023 at the Congress Center, booth C40 located in the beautiful city of Lyon.
Date: 5.11.2024. 8:00:00 AM
Kongresszentrum, Darmstadt, Germany

Battery Experts Forum 2024

At the Battery Experts Forum from November 5 - 7, 2024, bdtronic will be presenting the latest developments for battery production in the field of electromobility at booth SB-39.